
Buyer be 'aware'

Posted on May 27, 2024 in Buying

Valuable tips for buyers in a seller-driven Calgary real estate market

Here in Calgary, we’re navigating through an extended period of an incredibly competitive, seller-driven real estate market.

What does that mean? Simply put, the seller holds the upper hand. Higher levels of migration coupled with record-low housing inventory mean demand outweighs...

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Searching for a cheap house in Calgary?

Posted on Sep 21, 2022 in Buying

Here’s some free advice on buying cheap.

If you're typing "cheap homes for sale in Calgary" into your search browser, here is something novel to consider: nobody really wants to buy a cheap home. 

We know…who doesn't want to get something…anything…cheap? But wait, hear us out a second. 

When we say nobody wants to buy a cheap home, we actually mean no...

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What to do When Buying a Home in the Current Calgary Housing Market Slowdown

Posted on Aug 21, 2022 in Buying

Don’t Let the Herd Get You Down

Now that Calgary’s housing market is taking the lead from other major markets across the country and beginning to cool off, many prospective buyers are wondering what to do in a softening market.

During any prevailing market trend —hot or cold —I like to remind clients that much of our individual investing behaviour...

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The Main Mistake People Make When Buying Their Dream Home. 

Posted on May 25, 2022 in Buying

Why you might reconsider always trusting your first impression. 

There are several mistakes people make when buying homes: searching for houses without being pre-approved for a mortgage; failing to have the home inspected before they buy; making an offer based on the asking price and not the market value. 

But if you can believe it, one of the main mis...

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Buying a Home:  What Expenses to Expect 

Posted on Mar 23, 2021 in Buying

Budgeting for a new home can be tricky.  Not only are there mortgage instalments and the down payment to consider, there are a host of other—sometimes unexpected—expenses to add to the equation.  The last thing you want is to be caught financially unprepared, blindsided by taxes and other hidden costs on closing day.  

These expenses vary: some of them...

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